Jaurdi Gold Project
Beacon Minerals Ltd. operates the Jaurdi Gold Project (JGP). The JGP project consists of three mining centres at Lost Dog, Panther and Black Cat along with the Jaurdi Gold Processing Plant. The Jaurdi Gold Project (JGP) is now in the third full year of production at both the Lost Dog Mine and the Jaurdi Mill. Work is ongoing to extend the current resources at Lost Dog and Black Cat.
Jaurdi Processing Plant
- Carbon-in-Pulp (CIP) Gold Treatment facility
- PFS based on 500,000 tpa capacity
- Constructed and commissioned in 2019
- Jaurdi TSF 3.0 years capacity
- Panther TSF 0.3 years capacity
- Lost Dog 4.1 years capacity
- Over 7.5 years total capacity remaining
- Bore fields extending over 11km
- Exploration identified for a further 4km
- 500 kt pa equivalent in FY2020
- 575 kt pa achieved in FY2021
- On track for over 700 kt pa in FY2022
- Milling rate of +850kt achieved in Dec 2021 Qtr.
- 2nd tonne of Gold produced Nov 2021
- Recently commissioned the new Knelson, Acacia and gold room while processing stockpiled Panther ore.
- Mill now amenable to future gravity recoverable gold (GRG) ore types.
Lost Dog

Panel 1
- Mining completed 2020
- Currently used as TSF
Panel 2
- Mining completed 2021
- To be used as a TSF when Panel 4 mining is complete
- Panel 2 & 4 TSF will have 1.6M DMT capacity(2yrs)
Panel 3
- Mining Completed 2023
Panel 4
- Mining Completed 2022
The Jaurdi Gold Project lies within a historically under explored area in the Coolgardie region. The exploration highlight was the discovery of the Lost Dog palaeochannel gold deposit in 2017.
The Lost Dog discovery indicates that a significant accumulation of gold has been sourced from the Jaurdi Hills area (+160k oz Au), of which there is no other deposit of similar style and similar scale. Gangue minerals associated with the Lost Dog deposit includes nickel, manganese and chromium which gives the deposit its rich array of colours.
Several phases of small-scale historical exploration has been undertaken in the Jaurdi Hills area, which indicate the presence of small scale, isolated, high grade gold bearing quartz veins across the region.
Limited exploration has been undertaken to test the ultramafics, of which the geochemistry at Lost Dog is closely associated. This is probably due to there being little known gold mineralisation within the ultramafic rocks outside of the Panther deposit. The ultramafics are generally under deeper cover, so the historic soil, auger, RAB and aircore drilling may have been unable to effectively test the ultramafic basement rocks.
From 2017-2022 Beacon has generated several early stage targets across the Jaurdi Gold Project using modern exploration techniques, drilling, airborne geophysics and historical data review.